Lee Ballard Benefit Huge Success

Category: 2001 News
Published Date Written by Super User
Jerry Moll files the following report for PROHOUND Online:

Friday November 2nd was a blessed day fo r the Lee & Volora Ballard family. Fellow coonhunters, sportsmen, friends, and family arrived early to the Bear Creek Coon Club to pitch in and help out. Local auctioneers Andy Huff, Roger Huff, and Don Eads donated their time and energy to auction off a wide variety of donated items. We auctioned stud services, jars of homemade cookies, Indiana Hoosier jackets, leashes, collars, NASCAR banners, hunting lights, dog food, knives, gift certificates, the list goes on. These donated auctioned items brought nearly $4,000.

I would like to thank all of the folks that made this happen, but there is just no way to list all of them. This benefit hunt would never have taken place if not for James Tirey having the idea and Steve Cook stepping up to the plate on behalf of the Bear Creek CHA. Once James heard of the cancer and astronomical medical bills he knew coonhunters would pitch in to help out and he started the ball rolling. The Bear Creek CHA also donated their portion of the hunt proceeds to the Ballard family which we very much appreciate. Not one stud owner, hunting supply vendor, or business turned us down when we asked for donations. Without this generosity we could not have pulled this off. We thank you all.

Sportsmanship prevailed throughout the hunt. Most all of the sixteen casts scored on coon and not one question was brought back to hunt director Steve Cook. Several guides immediately dropped their $20 guide money into the donation box. Most of the hunt winners donated a portion of their winnings back to the cause. The first in line to do so were Chris Allen and Randy Gadd.

At the end of the night we had taken in over $5,500 in donations and proceeds. Thank you all for your tremendous outpouring of generosity.

Here are the results of the $55/$500 added open and the $55 pup derby:

Open Event
44 entries
Split Winners

4th- Salt Creek Lizzy
Jerry Moll owner, Herschell Gossett handler

4th- Suzie
Brian Wright owner/handler

4th- Molly
Alan Wilson owner
Chris Allen handler

4th- Dolly
Gadd/Norfleet owners
Randy Gadd handler

Open Event Cast Winners

CW Joni, Chris White owner/handler
CW Black Jack, Dake/Selby owners, Justin Dake handler
CW Tegan, Tony Diem owner, Dennis Scott handler
CW Twister, Rick Finley owner/handler
CW Rosie, Irvin Sutton owner/handler
CW Super Bee, Mitchell Burns owner, James Tirey handler
CW Coon Buster, Marty Reynolds owner, Martin Brewster handler

Pup Derby
20 entries

4th- Henry
Brian Flanigan owner/handler

4th-Boss Hog
Barlow/Spurlock owners
Sonny Barlow handler

4th - Daisey
John Edwards owner/handler

4th - Bozo
Craig Boone owner
Patrick Bowling handler

Pup Derby Cast Winners

Larry Henry owner
Jason Kinman handler
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