Ten hunt Wyatt in sub-freezing temps

Category: 2004 News
Published Date Written by Super User

Wyatt, IN – Ten hail and hearty PKC members braved the elements to hunt in the $50 event Saturday night in Wyatt, Indiana. Matthew Engelberth filed the following report:

Ten dogs braved temperatures in the low-20's, and over a foot of snow in the woods. Two casts opted to hunt for one hour, while the third hunted the full two. The just past full moon peeked through the clouds about half way through the night, but at least two coon were seen, with one being on the outside. Hounds and handlers alike slept well after several hours of wading through deep crusty snow.

Wyatt, Indiana
Open Event
$50 entry fee
10 entries
Split Winners (left to right in photo)

3rd - Xena
H - Jim Kirkpatrick
O - Josh Kirkpatrick

3rd - Abner
H - John Langley
O - Humpherus/Banter

3rd - Churn II
O/H - Dan Spromberg

Congratulations to the winners at Wyatt.

PKC – Neither heat nor cold can hinder our members from the pursuit of PKC gold. This is where YOU need to be!
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