Friday Night 2001 PKC Winter Classic

Category: 2001 News
Published Date Written by Super User
Night number two of the PKC Winter Classic in Louisville, Mississippi saw 301 hounds hitting the timber fo r a try at $2000 in Added Purses in addition to the normal compliment of PKC cash awards. Here are the Friday night Split winners:

PUP DERBY - 112 Entries
Split Winners

4th - Cloey
Mark Plunk, owner/handler
$290 - PKC
$250 - Added Purse

4th - Zina
Morris/Young, owners
Dewey Chapman, handler
$290 - PKC
$250 - Added Purse

4th - Bill
Stanley Morris, owner
Steve West, handler
$290 - PKC
$250 - Added Purse

4th - Homer
Allan Smith, owner
Keith Holley, handler
$290 - PKC
$250 - Added Purse

* Cast win paid $74.77

OPEN EVENT - 189 Entries
Split Winners

4th - Ruby
Sullivan/Kiddy, owners
Barry Kiddy, handler
$290 - PKC
$250 - Added Purse

4th - Louie
Duane Ross, owner
Wesley Willard, handler
$290 - PKC
$250 - Added Purse

4th - Jeff
Brad Harmon, owner/handler
$290 - PKC
$250 - Added Purse

4th - Joe
David Reyenga, owner
Terry Lumley, handler
$290 - PKC
$250 - Added Purse

*Cast win paid $91.76

The Saturday night hunts have entered 66 in the Pup Derby and 107 hounds in the Open Event as the threat of inclement weather somewhat dampened the final night entry. Continue to watch this spot for the Saturday night winners as they come in.

PKC in Mississippi! It's Where You Need To Be!