Define tree

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Moderators: Kristi Denney, R D Carnegie, Jerry Moll, Shane Patton, Chris Freiberger

Eric Depue
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PKC Name: Eric Depue
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Cell #: 5703962993
Location: Nichols NY

Define tree

Postby Eric Depue » Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:17 pm

I've seen guys get minuses for having a sit down tree dog. And seen guys minus a dog for backing up 5 ft away from a tree because the tree was a small tree and 3 dogs could not be "up on tree" tree dogs. Kind of my question here is I'd like to hear the official ruling on what is defined as a tree. I think it shouldn't matter on the tree style but some guys think the dog has to be up on the wood type.

Jerry Moll
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Re: Define tree

Postby Jerry Moll » Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:32 pm

Eric Depue wrote:I've seen guys get minuses for having a sit down tree dog. And seen guys minus a dog for backing up 5 ft away from a tree because the tree was a small tree and 3 dogs could not be "up on tree" tree dogs. Kind of my question here is I'd like to hear the official ruling on what is defined as a tree. I think it shouldn't matter on the tree style but some guys think the dog has to be up on the wood type.

Eric, the main distinction is "showing treed", or not. It really doesn't matter what type of tree it is or what tree style that a dog has, as long as it is obvious that they are showing what tree they are treed on.

9.H. Scoring The Tree - After the judge has determined which dog(s) are showing tree and which dog(s), if any, are off tree, dog(s) should be leashed and the tree scored. Any dog coming in and showing interest in tree while scoring will be leashed. Shining time will be announced and started when the judge is in position to score the tree. The handler with the most to gain on a tree, strike and tree points combined, should be allowed to search the tree for the first two minutes alone at their option and then all handlers may search. Eight (8) minutes of hunting time may be used to search a tree up until the tree has been scored. No game may be scored prior to the judge starting the eight minutes or after the eight minute shining period has expired. Handlers may blow squallers, pull vines, etc. during the entire shining period. No time-out may be called to search a tree, leading away from a tree, or between split trees. All dogs leashed at the tree must remain leashed until they can be released toward other trailing dog(s) or a fresh re-casting area if no dog(s) are on trail.

11.G. Leaving Tree - When a dog has been declared treed and the dog leaves the tree, its tree points will be minused. If dog continues on trail, its strike points remain live. If the dog returns to the tree before the tree is closed, handler may re-tree for next available position on the tree.
Prepare yourself and your hound. Hunt the dog, read the Blue Book, and your Good Book!

Eric Depue
Starting Member
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Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:07 am
PKC Name: Eric Depue
City, State: Nichols, NY
PKC Member Since: 29 Jul 2015
Annual Membership Expires: 22 Mar 2026
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $1,008
Cell #: 5703962993
Location: Nichols NY

Re: Define tree

Postby Eric Depue » Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:27 pm

I agree, but why do dogs get minused for being a different tree style / smart enough to back up off the tree a few feet? That's really my intention to find out. I know every judge is going to judge slightly different.

Jerry Moll
Platinum Member
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Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:11 pm
PKC Name: Jerry Moll
City, State: Batesville, IN
PKC Member Since: 02 Feb 1989
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Oct 2023
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $30,080
Cell #: 812-212-1619

Re: Define tree

Postby Jerry Moll » Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:51 pm

Eric Depue wrote:I agree, but why do dogs get minused for being a different tree style / smart enough to back up off the tree a few feet? That's really my intention to find out. I know every judge is going to judge slightly different.

In an Open Event, if a judge wrongfully minuses your dog, your options are to first; ask for a cast vote and secondly to post a $25 deposit to take the question back to a panel, if the cast vote doesn't go your way.
Prepare yourself and your hound. Hunt the dog, read the Blue Book, and your Good Book!

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