Daily Devotional

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Ronnie W. Stark
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:07 am

Problems And Trials
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. (NLT) ( Romans 5:3 )

We tend to become sad or frustrated when we receive bad news. Always remember that God wants us to appreciate life even when we're going through tough situations. Next time you're in one of those situations, whether a family member is sick, you're out of work, or things just aren't falling into place, remember that God has a bigger plan for you.
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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:13 pm

Bible Study Verses
Mark 4: 26-28
He also said, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain-first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. (NIV)

I have never been much of a farmer, but nevertheless, I really relate to this scripture. When I stock fingerling fish, such as trout or bass, in a small stock dam or mountain pond, and return to that water some time later, I am always amazed when I cast in a spinner and pull out a 12-to-14in fish. I know it's supposed to work that way, but I'm amazed every time just the same.
(Ron T)

Action Point
Whether you're scattering seeds or scattering fish, when the conditions are right, they are going to grow. It is the same for God's Word. I think of the seeds of truth planted in my own life before I became a Christian. They didn't seem that important at first; but over time I began to think about the words, understand their meaning and how they applied to my life. I am so thankful to the laborers that God calls on to sow His Seed.

Now that I am a Christian, it is my job to share the Good News with others. Jesus said, "He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned," Mark 16:15-16 (NIV).
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:24 pm

Bible Study Verses
Hebrews 12:3-4
Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. (ESV)

It was early in the morning and the all-day men's softball tournament had just begun. A white softball the same color as the clouds hovering overhead flew through the air and disappeared into a grey and dense fog. It rolled to the fence and the batter was easily able to score an inside the park home run.

Our team was down many runs in the first inning, before we learned that our outfielders couldn't see the ball when it was hit. The tournament officials couldn't afford to postpone any of the games, so we had to play no matter what. It was the end of the first inning before the infield learned to yell to our outfielders which direction the ball was travelling.

We lost our first game of the tourney, which meant we had to play the rest of our games in the "loser's" bracket. Our team fought all the way through the "loser's" bracket and found ourselves sitting in the championship game, facing the best team who was undefeated. In the final inning we scored a run to win the game and force a second championship game, since now both teams had one loss.

The second game, a hard fought battle came down to the final out to determine the winner. An inside the park home run would secure the victory for our team. We spent the rest of the following week recovering from the soreness and pain of playing so many games. But in the end, it was all worth it to come home with the trophy!!!
(Michael T)

Action Point
Our softball team played in the fog and lost, but we were still able to pull it together and win the entire tournament. It wasn't easy and it definitely took a while to accomplish our goal.

Just know that whatever trial or tribulation that you are currently facing maybe daunting to you, but it is not to God. Lean on Him and trust Him. It will take some time and may involve some pain. But, eventually you will have victory over your problems. Just keep working hard and moving forward in faith.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:53 pm

Bible Study Verses
Matthew 15:8-9
"'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.' " (NIV)

One of our favorite fly-fishing trips has been Yellowstone Park. To avoid the crowds, my two boys and I would hike a couple of miles off the beaten path. (We were told that they had never had a bear attack in groups of three or more. We still took the necessary precautions.)

When we fished the Yellowstone River we used yellow or orange-bodied stimulators. These represented large caddis or small hoppers. To locate the cutthroats you had to watch very carefully for a small swirl or rise, then lightly present the fly just above the rise. They didn't seem to travel very far laterally, so the cast had to be very accurate. If you put it on the spot with a good presentation, you had the fight of your life. It took quite a while to land the fish because of their size and the current.

The boys quickly learned quickly to focus in the areas where the trout were working and put the fly on the mark.
(Tom L)
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:21 am

Tempted By Insecurity
What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. (NLT) ( Psalm 8:4-5 )

God has crowned you with dignity and honor, and you are made in His image. For this reason, you should not give in to the temptation of insecurity. God does not see insecurity in anyone; only we do. Signs of insecurity include overreaction and anger towards someone or something. The next time you find yourself angry, dig deep and examine the cause behind your anger. It just may be from feelings of insecurity.
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This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:23 am

Praise The Lord
I will exalt you, my God and King and praise your name forever and ever. (NLT) ( Psalm 145:1 )

It's important to praise God and recognize His glory. There are several ways to exalt the creator of the universe. The most obvious is using words of recognition towards others. Actions can also convey praise, such as song and dance. Another is using your talents and skills to acclaim God as most high. Are you giving God the praise and glory He deserves?
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This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:16 am

Armor Of God
Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. (NLT) ( Ephesians 6:11 )

Do you ever feel vulnerable to attack? Are you afraid that your responses to provocation may cause you to be unrighteous? Don't go into battle unprotected; instead, clothe yourself in God's armor. In verses 14-18, Paul characterizes this armor as truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation. He then finishes with the action of praying. Trust that God will equip you with the tools you need.
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This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:12 am

Bible Study Verses
Luke 10:29-37
But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise." (NIV)

A couple of weeks ago two older men were launching their new bass boat at the ramp and having problems getting the outboard motor started. In the course of events, the boat drifted away from them and grounded itself on the other side of the cove.

A helpful angler in his own boat went over to the wayward boat, tied it to his, and towed it back to the dock. The drifted boat was also filling with water due the drain plug being put in the livewell drain instead of the boat drain. To further complicate matters, the bilge pump would not work.

Watching what was going on, another angler jumped into the sinking boat and worked at getting the outboard to start. Finally it kicked in and he maneuvered the boat onto the boat trailer that was still standing in the water at the boat ramp. The boat was pulled out of the water and left to drain on the sidelines.

This was a very awkward moment for the two anglers who were trying to launch the new boat besides the anglers who rendered aid, there were other people who had gathered to watch what was happening. Though there could have been lots of guffawing going on about the anglers' plight, there wasn't. Everybody was helpful in offering comments or fixing the immediate problem.
(Tom B)

Action Point
How many times in our everyday lives do we come upon someone who needs help? Maybe it's someone with a stalled car or flat tire stranded along the freeway. Our response might be, "Someone else will stop, I'm running late for an appointment." I'm guilty of that one!

Perhaps it happens out on the water while fishing: A buddy achieves the backlash of the year; it happens to everybody. He has been picking away at the tangled mess for at least four or five minutes. Do we offer to help clear the backlash, or offer one of our rods for him to use? There are numerous opportunities to help someone in need. We need to memorize what Jesus said, "Go and do likewise."
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:32 am

Worthless Talk
Avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior. (NLT) ( 2 Timothy 2:16 )

Foolish talk includes talking negatively about another person (gossip) and spreading false information about another person (slander). Instead of worthless talk, set your mind on building up and being a light for others. Not only is this more rewarding, it also leads to a greater sense of inner peace. Are a large portion of the words coming from your mouth considered foolish talk?
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This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:27 pm

Bible Study Verse
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

The big gobbler came in on the run, stopping occasionally to fan and to strut. He was beautiful to behold! He was the boss gobbler of the area and convinced that a younger, smaller gobbler was encroaching on his territory. His gobbling usually announced his desire to attract hens. Now it declared his dominance and was intended to intimidate.

He was too proud to allow any interloper to go unchallenged! So he charged in to teach this presumptuous upstart a lesson! The problem was that the intruder was a decoy. In fact, it was one of the newer styles, a counterfeit gobbler in full strut. As the big boy approached the decoy, the gun barked. Pride had provoked him to make a fatal error in judgment!
(Jackie M)

Action Point
Pride is dangerous for people as well as gobblers. It is to be avoided. All we have to do is to look into the Scriptures to remind us that we are needy and dependent upon God for everything in life. We are often like the gobbler, full of ourselves and jealous of everything around us.

This attitude often leads us into danger. Proverbs 14:12 warns us, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death, (NIV).

Let's be thankful, acknowledging that God is the One who gives us everything, including eternal life. Let's give Him the thanks and appreciation He deserves and not think that we have earned or are entitled to what we have and enjoy.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:26 pm

Bible Study Verse
Acts 3:6
Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." (NIV)

Hot summer days, a cool mountain stream, and a couple of kids with gold pans. It is a great recipe to overcome the dog days of summer. A little panning and then it's off to see what kind of bugs live under the rocks, and maybe catch a few crawdads.

We like to pan for gold in the same creek in the Black Hills where General Custer and his expedition of a thousand men discovered gold in 1874. Even though they didn't find much gold, it still sparked a gold rush that brought thousands of people to the hills hoping to get rich.
(Ron T)

Action Point
Over the centuries gold has had great value in this world, but it can not compare to the value of faith. Faith is of greater worth than gold (I Peter 1:7). When Peter encountered the crippled man at the gate begging for gold or silver, Peter offered him something much better, faith in Christ, Through faith in Christ, the man was healed.

Faith is so important in our lives, for without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). We receive faith by hearing the word of God, and it is through faith that we are saved. It is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8). Don't forget, in heaven gold is just pavement.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:30 pm

Bible Study Verse
Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. (NIV)

Years ago we bought a pointing Lab, Cinder, from a local breeder. Most of you know what it is like to get a pup ready for hunting. You have to devote a lot of time, energy and discipline to the training.

A friend of mine recommended the book, Water Dog, by Walters. I read the book and followed his training regimen. Cinder learned the basic commands--sit, stay, heel, lay down--quickly. The blind retrieves and hand signals took longer and had to be reinforced and fine-tuned periodically. The hard work paid off on our first duck and goose hunt in North Dakota. Cinder found and retrieved all of our birds and managed to find three ducks for another hunter.

Just as discipline is critical to training a dog, disciplining ourselves to prayer and meditation is critical to our spiritual growth, the deepening of our relationship with God.
(Tom L)

Action Point
God expects us to be devoted to prayer. Are we ready to pray when a need arises? Do we talk to God frequently enough to have a growing relationship with Him? From the book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Whitney asked the question, "If Jesus needed to pray, how much more do we need to pray?"

Take time to have a conversation with God. Don't wait until something comes along that is too big for us to handle on our own.
Last edited by Ronnie W. Stark on Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:36 pm

Bible Study Verse
Proverbs 12:23
The prudent keep their knowledge to themselves, but a fool's heart blurts out folly. (NIV)

He never even stopped to look. As I pulled into the parking space of the general store before returning to camp, the young man approached me. With wild eyes and arms flailing in the air, he began telling me the story of his exploits in the woods, how he finally managed to harvest the biggest buck in the hunting unit, and that the rest of us should just pack up and go home.

All I could do was listen. Any attempt to sneak a word in during one of his few inhalation pauses would have been met with an elevated tone that would drown out anything I might have said. At the end of his rather lengthy dissertation, I was barely able to offer a congratulations before he moved to the next unsuspecting, camouflage clothed, firearm carrying person who happened to be stopping for gas. He never even noticed the buck under the canopy in the bed of my truck, even larger than the one he'd described.
(Brett M)

Action Point
We have all met people like this, boasters. As sportsmen, we love to sit around the campfire and share stories of our favorite outdoor adventures. This is a time-tested tradition handed down by our ancestors before the invention of writing instruments. It is one of the greatest ways to pass on lessons learned, hard knocks, successful practices, and amusing anecdotes. However, it is important that we do not fall in to the trap of "one-up-manship." You know what I mean, the ability to elevate ourselves just a little bit higher than the other person, often in a self- indulgent attempt to inflate our ego.

Remember: all we do, we do for God's glory, not for man's. Trying to prove our worth or capabilities generally does not impress others and certainly does not impress God. God enjoys a humble spirit and quiet confidence that encourages others.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:46 pm

Bible Study Verse
John 21:6
He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. (NIV)

If you want to catch fish, go with Jesus as your guide. When you go out to those good fishing areas that have always produced big and plentiful fish, there are times when you are plain out-right skunked!

Jesus knew His crew of expert fishermen would be skunked that night. His words so simple yet powerful filled the early morning mist. You know the rest of the story. The net was filled to more than it could normally hold, yet it didn't tear!
(Tom H)

Action Point
Lord, fill me with more of an awareness of Your will for in life and more of your
Fill me with more than a human could normally contain without being torn apart by the greatness of all that You are and all that You can do!

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Get out of your "rat race" routine on a nice early morning and enjoy the break of dawn. Make a campfire along the stream or lake where you are fishing and enjoy some quality quiet time with the Lord.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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Re: Daily Devotional

Postby Ronnie W. Stark » Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:20 pm

Bible Study Verse
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. (NIV)

When I was taking my basic scuba training many years ago at Arizona State University (Yea, Sun Devils!), my dive buddy (dive partner) answered a question incorrectly in class. For several minutes the instructor, Coach Grier, and my buddy were locked in a spirited discussion of the question and the correct-versus-incorrect answer. During the whole discussion, because of his pride, my buddy was trying to validate his answer and prove himself correct. Finally, Coach Grier looked at my buddy and said to stop. Coach Grier then explained to my buddy that my buddy could try to justify his answer all night, but in the end, when he was forty-five feet deep in the ocean, he would realize his error and accept the correct answer--right before he died!

This verse is saying the same thing about us as humans. We want to have things our way, to control our own destiny, particularly when it comes to spiritual matters. Look at Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They had it all, but wanted more. They wanted self-control and self-determination. Like Adam and Eve, if we insist on dictating to God how we will come to Him, in the end we will realize that our self-centered ways are incorrect and that Jesus is the Savior--right before we die for all eternity. A good friend put it well: There are two kinds of people in this world. There are those that will say, "God, have it your way;" and there are those to whom God will say, "OK, have it your way."

Praise God that He loved us enough to show us the truth and the real way to Him!
(Cliff S)

Action Point
God has revealed Himself to us in many ways. God is revealed in creation, in His Word, and in the lives of other believers. Don't trust in your own self-centered way to God. It won't work. Take God at His word; accept Jesus as your Savior and say, "God, have it your way!"

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
When you're wrong, don't let your pride get in the way of correction. In the out of doors it just might mean the difference between life and death.
This is how we know what love is, Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

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