Christ in the Woods

This forum has been established for the purpose of posting the names of service men and service women who are on active duty during our nation's war on terrorism.

Moderators: R D Carnegie, Kristi Denney, Jerry Moll, Shane Patton, Chris Freiberger

Tracy Beyer

Christ in the Woods

Postby Tracy Beyer » Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:01 pm

Christ in the Woods...
Yes, Christ is with us always, even to the end of days. Let me ask you this.

Do you take Christ to the woods with you? I ask this because recently while hunting alone, I was contemplating this exact question. How many times have we invited our best friend out for a night of hunting, or a stranger for that matter? That is an easy question right? The answer is dozens, if not hundreds of times!

Now the harder question, how many times have you shared your faith with that complete stranger? Your Best Friend? That is what this site is all about, encouragement, edification, education ( No I am not a Bible Scholar, but I am someone actively seeking to glorify God thru everything I do and say. I fail daily, but through the Grace of God, I am seeking his face daily. Please join us over at our temporary website, sign up (With your real name, not a screen name) and get active!

As it grows, I will buy a new server and migrate everything over to the new server, as well as developing a new website homepage. I am actively seeking a few people to help moderate, help with posting devotionals, and a non traditional bible study that is added to daily.

Thanks for reading this and God Bless.

Michael C Kidd

Postby Michael C Kidd » Thu May 29, 2008 10:41 pm

Actually I sometimes take my young son who is 9 yrs old and often time it give me time to reveal Christ to him we get to talk about Jesus and the word while the dogs are running its a true blessing.

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