What to do if your dog is shot!

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R D Carnegie
Posts: 2559
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:56 am
PKC Name: R D Carnegie
City, State: Franklinton, LA
PKC Member Since: 03 Jan 1984
Lifetime Handler Earnings: $10,483
Location: Pine, LA

What to do if your dog is shot!

Postby R D Carnegie » Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:05 pm

We are always sorry to hear that dogs have been shot. It's a growing problem that must be addressed at the local level. We will always help if we can but there's little we can do but advise in the following areas.

1. Join, support and become involved with your local area Coon Clubs and your statewide Coonhunting Organization.
2. Always obtain permission to hunt where you intend to release your dog.
3. Speak with as many landowners in the area as possible. Explain where you have permission to hunt and that your dog may wander onto their property. Ask permission to retrieve your dog if he gets on their property. Explain what kind of truck you drive and leave your name and contact number.
4. In the event your dog goes onto property where you do not have permission, go immediately to the residence of the owner, if known, and request permission to retrieve your dog. If permission is denied, call the local authorities for assistance.

If someone shoots your dog be sure to complete the following steps as soon as possible:
1. Call the local authorities and insist that a police report be filed ASAP.
2. Take as many photos as possible. If there are witnesses, write down their names and contact information.
3. Do not get into an altercation with the shooter. Doing so may hurt your case.
4. After the police report has been filed, contact your local Prosecuting Attorney, District Attorney, State's Attorney, or whatever the title of the official in your area that determines whether a case meets the criteria for indictment of the shooter. Be prepared to hear them say, "The land owner can do what he likes on his property." If so you will need to challenge this, so be very aware of the laws within your state and county.
(This may also be a wakeup call telling you that you may need to get the laws changed in your state. Only you, working with other members and hunters in your state can do so.)
5. If you do not get satisfaction from the state's attorney, contact the local media. Write letters to local newspapers. Call local talk shows. Call the media (newspapers, radio, TV) and ask to speak to the consumer's affairs editor and tell you story. You are trying to create a storm of public opinion against individuals who shoot dogs. You are also attempting to put pressure on the attorney to prosecute your case. State, district, and local prosecuting attorneys are elected officials. Keep in mind, he/she wants to be re-elected.
6. To get compensated for your loss you will need to hire an attorney and bring a lawsuit against the shooter in civil court. Don't hire the first one you talk to unless they are willing to take the case on a contingency basis (you don't pay unless you win.) That's always the best deal but it may not be available to you.

PKC does not have attorneys to assist victims in dog shooting cases. We can only advise members as to the best practices. If your dog has an established record of success in PKC events, we will be more than glad to verify and provide documentation to assist you. Your best avenue in determining the actual value of your hound so that you may obtain a fair settlement for your loss will be to cite the prices of coonhounds from current coonhound magazines. Also, acquire written/signed statements from hunters who can attest to your dog’s ability and or value.
(812) 868-1900

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