Respect & Gratitude For All Involved!!!

Round by Round Match-Ups and results from the PKC World Championship in Salem, Illinois.

Moderators: Kristi Denney, R D Carnegie, Jerry Moll, Shane Patton, Chris Freiberger

Jerry Moll
Platinum Member
Posts: 5961
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:11 pm
PKC Name: Jerry Moll
City, State: Batesville, IN
PKC Member Since: 02 Feb 1989
Annual Membership Expires: 26 Oct 2023
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Cell #: 812-212-1619

Respect & Gratitude For All Involved!!!

Postby Jerry Moll » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:15 pm

It was a long eleven-day marathon. Yes we are all tired, but our most prominent thoughts right now are those of gratitude and respect. It takes a tremendous effort to put a cumulative total of 638 casts and 1,967 dogs, in the woods, and stay the course night after night for a week and a half.

Both the PKC Youth World Championship and the PKC World Championship entries were very strong again this year. The 1,596 dogs entered in the World Championship, beat out the old 2000 Aurora, KY record by 15, being largest in PKC history. The total awards handed out for these two events was over $361,900. WOW!!

Thank you to the hard workers tackling the daily entry taking process; PKC Office Staff, Jarvis & Joyce Umphers, Mary Dial, Tom Wilson, Shane Patton, Kristi Denney, Bud Hood, Christie Wilkinson and Mike Hensley. We appreciate all those helping with the daily cast draw and everyone else that played a part on the Hunt Management end.

Thanks to those who served as Satellite Hunt Directors, Panel Members and Full-Time Judges night after night; Bud Hood, Gerald Yoder, Jay Hartwick, Jeff Nelson, John Ervin, Mike Dowler, Mike Hensley and Tom Wilson.

Every night of the World Championship, we needed 23-25 Late Round judges, many thanks to those who stepped up and helped when they could have easily went to bed instead. Here they are in alphabetical order; Anthony Allen, Zach Almond, Spencer Anderson, James Atwell, Tracy Bailey, Steven Basham, Jack Bingham, Larry Bourbon, Judas Bowling, Jake Brasher, Jimmy Burden, Andy Burton, Justin Butts, Justin Caldwell, Travis Carlock, Eric Caudill, Justin Chism, Brett Denney, Brad Durham, Jordan Edwards, Dave Ellsworth Jr, Troy Ferrari, Nathan Flanders, Adam French, Austin Gentry, Wyatt Goodman, Lenus Hall, Lee Hill, Dale Huff, Dustin Kern, Anthony King, Adam Lowery, Keith Lowery, Steve Mackey, Mark Maginn, Josh Michaelis, Jeff Nelson, Shane Patton, Jamie Paynter, Johnny Pearrow, Landon Pearrow, Joey Randolf, Logan Ray, Laken Reynolds, Clifford Rivers, Drake Roberson, Patyton Roberson, John Robinson, Chris Saunders, Dakota Scott, Gabe Sechrest, Kyle Short, John Steber, Bill Stokes, Ken Strickland, Charles Taylor, James Tirey, Dustin Weed, Luke Williams, Oliver Winn, Steve Yant, Gerald Yoder and Kenny Zuspan. An extra THANK YOU to those who volunteered to stay and serve as judges for the Friday night quarter-finals, when they could have headed on home. We also appreciate those who served as hunting judges on the early rounds. Sincere apologies to anyone that I missed.

Hat’s off to David Dial, Travis Dial and Vern Carter and to all of the hunting and non-hunting guide network from the Salem, Claremont, Sesser, McLeansboro, Ramsey, Geff and Brownstown Clubs.

The 2020 PKC Youth World Championship and World Championship were both very successful and awesome events, and the main reason for that is YOU! Thanks for joining us in Salem!!!
Prepare yourself and your hound. Hunt the dog, read the Blue Book, and your Good Book!

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